A Lesson from Kobe
During the devastating earthquakes in Kobe, Japan, an American newscaster did a short piece on a Japanese woman who set up a makeshift store out of boxes selling flashlights and batteries. When the commentor asked why she wasn't selling these essential items for more than the regular price, the woman answered, "Why would I want to profit from someone else's suffering?"
Author & Source: Unknown
Labels: Compassion
So...janganlah berdiri di atas penderitaan orang lain ya..dan berdirilah diatas kesenangan itu....hhmmm..gitu kan Wid ???
«why she wasn't selling these essential items for more than the regular price»
Saya juga pengen spt ibu tersebut yang tidak "gauging" saat orang lain susah.
Pensi di rendere visita a Parigi?
maksud-e Sis? *ikutan bingung* :)
aku cuman inget.. bagi sebagian orang di tanah air.. musibah malah dipake buat ngeruk keuntungan.. !!?!!
Parigi? hmmm.. andiamo? :D